About Us

Negar Andishgan is a manufacturer of Electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalography (EEG) and Long Term EEG Monitoring (LTM) devices and accessories in Iran. Negar Andishgan, with more than 25 years of experiences, designs and produces devices and accessories by considering quality and ease-of-use in order to cover needs of both medical and research centers. In addition to ISO certification, the EEG and EMG devices of Negar Andishgan are certified by National Medical Device Directorate (IMED) of Iran. To see each of these certifications, click on the related link below.

ISO Certificate

IMED Certificate (in Persian)

Contact Information

To order devices:
+98 21 76250713-16 (Ext. 1)
+98 912 0391224
+98 912 2543035

To buy accessories:
+98 21 76250713-16 (Ext. 2)
+98 902 2543221

Technical support:
+98 21 76250713-16 (Ext. 3)
+98 912 0763280
+98 990 1234149